Following a 12-month pilot program, Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) has taken delivery of 275 Axon body-worn cameras, and has officially implemented an agency-wide program in which every sworn officer will wear cameras while on duty. “The Maryland Natural Resources Police remains committed to maintaining the highest level of professional standards, integrity and conduct,” said NRP Superintendent Orlando D. Lilly. “Body-worn cameras improve the safety of not only the officer, but also the public. These cameras are an important tool to promote transparency and trust, and have the added benefit of increasing officer professionalism and training.” Natural Resources Police officers were fully trained and outfitted with the cameras as of April 2024, more than one year ahead of the July 1, 2025 target deadline set in state law. The Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission has set guidelines for the development of agency body-worn camera program policy, which apply to all Maryland police agencies that use them. NRP has established standard operating procedures related to the use and management of our body worn cameras, outlined in agency Policy 421. NRP’s policy was derived after consultation and review with policies and procedures from outside and partner agencies which have effectively introduced body-worn […]
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