On Thursday, August 3, 2023, at approximately 2:00 a.m., the two pictured subjects stole a 2014 Hyundai Sonata from the St. Mary’s Landing Apartments parking lot in Lexington Park. The suspects started and drove the vehicle a short distance before an alarm started flashing; the suspects then fled from the vehicle. Anyone with information about the identities of the suspects and/or this incident is asked to contact Dep. Darrell Stewart at Darrell.Stewart@stmaryscountymd.gov or 301-475-4200, ext. 8113. Please reference Case #41286-23. Citizens can also call Crime Solvers 24/7 at 301-475-3333 or send a text to Crime Solvers at 274637. Type “Tip239” in the message block and select SEND. After receiving a response, continue the conversation. Note: Tip239 is case-sensitive and must be typed in the message block as shown. With Crime Solvers, tipsters may remain anonymous. Tipsters may be eligible for a cash reward if the information leads to an arrest.
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